Sunday, November 4, 2012

Half-Year Anniversary

Before we went to bed last night, Shanae asked me, "What day is it?" I responded that it was the third day of November. It didn't even click till after I was already being tackled by a giggling, gorgeous wife. "Happy anniversary," was all I could get out in between the kisses.

A little sappy I know, but the feelings are genuine and the surprise is real. I honestly can't believe it's been six months already. A year ago we were sitting in her old apartment with her roommates coming and going, volleyball games and practices causing us to spend our time together late at night and all throughout the weekends, doing homework. It's all we ever had time for. Our dating experience consisted of making dinner well past 10:00pm and making sure our homework got done. And when I say our homework I mean hers, because honestly I never got around to mine. I was just too excited to be dating such an incredible girl, to ever calm down enough to get anything productive accomplished.

So here we are, six months after being married and things are almost the same. I'm sitting here on the same love-sac that we were both sitting on a year ago, and I'm wasting time blogging while Shanae attempts to read 150 more pages before the night is through. I always had a  knack for keeping up with traditions.

Since this is the first post to my new blog I figured I'd be as must of a historian as I could and recap the past six months to get everything caught up.

Shanae and I, six months ago yesterday, got married and sealed in the Logan Temple. There we made an official covenant with God and each other, to follow God's methods and plans for couples to live and exist together, progressing toward Eternal life, forevermore. Our honeymoon was amazing. Our first night was spend in Salt Lake at a Marriott Hotel. It was hilarious. From there we drove 5  hours South and East and spent a couple days in a little known city called Escalante. Living out of a small bed and breakfast a friend of my mom's owned, we got to venture on horseback, see Native American artifacts that are still engraved in rock faces, and above all else, we got to know each other. The last half of the week we spent in California. Beach hopping, aquarium visiting, and restaurant exploring. Needless to say, our honeymoon was amazing.

Since then, we've moved twice already. Apparently I need to do a little more research into what types of activities my neighboring apartment renters are involved in before I start signing papers. Lessons are learned by mistakes.

There are so many good things to write about that it's difficult to do any justice to the past six months of having a new roommate, a new companion, a new wife. If I may, I'll do my best to summarize how living with Shanae has affected my life.

One huge change that I've experienced is having an apartment that matches. My walls match my furniture and my bed comforter matches everything else. I've got more pillows that I'm supposed to put on the bed then I know what to do with. It's one of the first things I neglect to do when Shanae is off playing volleyball, I just don't see the point without a female in the house to appreciate it. Another thing I neglect to do is put the lid on the garbage can that's sitting at the end of our counter. I know it doesn't look too appealing having the thing sticking out right there, but that to me is less of a sacrifice then having to take the lid off every time I need to use the garbage can.

Another change that I've made to my life is my eating habits. I used to eat to get by. Until I met Shanae I just never invested any of my time to making good food. But since it became one of our favorite things to do by force, I now find myself trying to create and come up with new idea all the time. Not only to save money but also El Bee's!

Shanae and I have read our scriptures everyday since the day we've been married. It's our goal. It's our dream. It was mine that I introduced to her, and she jumped on board immediately. Two reasons for this goal. One: I was once promised Eternal Life if I read the scriptures everyday for the rest of my life. Two: My mission president, President Greer from Gilbert, Arizona has been doing it with his wife since the day they got married, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps as soon as he told me that habit of his and his wife's. They're truly incredible people and I know that the studies they've done in their scriptures has been a huge source of their strength.

Who am I six months after being married? I'm the same ugly rock I was before, only a little less jagged. I'm a little less pre-occupied when I'm out in public. I no longer have any reason to be on the look-out for the next beauty to catch my eye. My eye has already been given to Shanae, and my heart is finally at peace because of it.